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--> Learning the Science of Disaster Prevetion in Japan – Developments after Great East Japan Earthquake – 東日本大震災から防災への取り組みを学ぶプログラム Climate change Disaster Prevention Earthquake Tsunami Program date _2023/2/18 - 2023/2/24 Lecturer  /   Prof. Noritake Katatani, College of Arts and Sciences Number of participants  /  11 University  /  Tigard High School Major  /  - --> 日本において、2011年3月11日発生した東日本大震災は、日本社会に大きな物質的・人的損害を与えた。同プログラムでは、災害による物質的・人的損害を防ぎ、減らしていく為に必要な、取り組みや、技術について学ぶ。   The Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred on March 11, 2011 in Japan caused great material and human damage to Japanese society. In this program, students will learn about the efforts and techniques necessary to prevent and reduce damages caused by disasters. Visit to the Kaminari Mon Visit to Odaiba ( Miraikan ) photo with Japanese students Experience of an earthquake with an earthquake simulation car --> 2/19 13:00 - 14:50 Visit to the Miraikan - The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation 15:30 - 17:00 Visit to the Tokyo Rinkai Disaster Prevention Park(Sona Area) Group Photo infront of Sona Area Group Photo infront of Sona Area Group Photo infront of Miraikan 2/20 9:40- 10:00 Ice Break 10:00 - 12:00 Lecture by Professor Katatani 13:00 -15:00 Experiment session by Professor Katatani Experiment about Building Structure Experiment about Building Structure 2/21 10:30 - 12:15 Visit Tokyo Fire Department 14:30 - 17:00 Visit Tokyo Tower Learing how to use a fire extinguisher Learing how to use a fire extinguisher Experience of an earthquake with an earthquake simulation car Group Photo infront of Bousaikan 2/22 8:00-19:30 Visit to Shizuoka Prefecture Disaster Prevention Center Learning about eruptions and earthquakes Learning about eruptions and earthquakes 2/23 10:00 - 12:00 Group Work 13:00 - 14:00 Final Presentaion 14:00 -15:00 Thoughts Exchange Session Preparing PPT for Final Presentaion Preparing PPT for Final Presentaion Final Presentaion Group Photo in front of JFOU Machida Campus I enjoyed being able to experience Japan’s culture and simulations around natural disasters. The in-person activities were interactive and successful in teaching us many skills. Tigard High School High school After participating in such a program, my impression of studying abroad in Japan has positively increased. The cultural difference is fascinating and there is so much to learn. Tigard High School High school I liked being able to interact with people my age and learn from them along the way. Tigard High School High school --> Architecture Development Great East Japan Earthquake Science of Disaster Prevention Strenght of Building Learning the Science of Disaster Prevetion in Japan &#8211; Developments after Great East Japan Earthquake &#8211; 東北大震災から防災・減災への取り組みを学ぶプログラム Program date _ 2022/2/23〜2/25 Besides pollution and destruction,natural disaster also cause the environmental changes. As natural … READ MORE Exchange and Study Abroad Program There are two study abroad programs, Exchange Program and Summer Program, open to overseas students at J. F. Oberlin University. Students will learn about and experience Japan within the supportive environment of J. F. Oberlin University from both programs. 桜美林大学には、「交換留学プログラム」と「サマープログラム」という2つの留学プログラムがあり、海外からの留学生を受け入れています。両プログラムとも、桜美林大学のサポート環境のもと、日本について学び、体験することができます。 VIEW MORE --> 3Cs Project J. F. Oberlin University operates the international exchange platform "3Cs Project: Connect, Collaborate, Create.” The 3Cs Project is open to students, faculty and staff from around the world, primarily from JFOU's partner universities. Real-time interactive cultural exchanges and language exchange events are conducted using Zoom and other tools. 桜美林大学は、国際交流プラットフォーム「3Cs Project: Connect, Collaborate, Create」を運営しています。3Csは、本学の協定校を中心とした世界の学生教職員を対象としています。Zoomなどを活用したリアルタイムの双方向型文化交流や言語交換イベントを実施しています。 VIEW MORE --> Times Higher Education Japan University Rankings JFOU was ranked 101-110 in the overall ranking of THE World University Rankings Japan 2022. In the field of internationality, JFOU was ranked 39th out of 273 Japanese universities. The Japanese edition of THE World University Rankings is designed to reflect the merits and characteristics of Japanese universities in a way that is more relevant to the educational situation in Japan. 桜美林大学は、THE世界⼤学ランキング⽇本版2022の総合ランキング101-110位にランクインいたしました。また、国際性に関しては、273校の日本大学のうち、39位にランクインいたしました。THE世界⼤学ランキング⽇本版は、⽇本の教育事情により即したかたちで⼤学の魅⼒や特性が表れるように、⼤学の「教育⼒」を測ることを目的としています。 VIEW MORE J.F. Oberlin University Official Homepage J. F. Oberlin University and Affiliated Schools and Oberlin College in Ohio, U.S.A., are legally independent educational institutions; there is no corporate affiliation between the two, and neither is a subsidiary or agent of the other. Copyright 2022 J. F. Oberlin University All Rights Reserved.

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